How To Clean a Bathtub
Bathtubs can get dirty over time, and typically need to be cleaned every few months. Cleaning the bathtub may sounds like a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be! You can clean your bathtub with everyday household items, without harsh chemicals, using a natural cleaning solution that’s easy to make yourself. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll get your bathtub clean in a breeze!
Items You'll Need:
• 1 Clean, Empty Spray Bottle
• White Vinegar
• Warm Water
• Cloth or Paper Towel
• Essential Oil (OPTIONAL)
How to Clean Your Bathtub - The Easy Way
STEP 1: Grab an empty spray bottle and fill it with equal portions of warm white vinegar warm water. Shake the bottle to mix the solution.
TIP: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, (we suggest peppermint oil) to the cleaning mixture to help neutralize the smell of the vinegar.
STEP 2: Fill your bathtub with about 2 inches of warm/hot water
STEP 3: Spray the entire bathtub surface with your vinegar mixture and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
STEP 4: Grab a paper towel and wipe the surface of your bathtub clean. Remove any excess vinegar with warm water and then drain the water from your bathtub.
With those four easy steps, you’re done! Be the first to use your sparkling clean bathtub and treat yourself to a bubble bath!