How to Measure Your Toilet to Fit a SpaLet Bidet Toilet Seat
How Do I Measure My Toilet for the SpaLet?
Tools Required:
• Measuring Tape
• The toilet you are measuring
How to Measure Your Toilet to Fit a SpaLet Bidet Seat:
• Measuring Your Toilet. Determine the distance between the two holes where the toilet seat attaches. Do your best to measure from the centers of the holes. See B in chart.
• Measure the front to back length of the bowl. See A in chart.
• Measure the distance from the tank to the holes where the seat attaches. See C in chart.

Will the SpaLet have enough Space?
Once you’ve determined your toilet measurements, you need to make sure you have enough room around your toilet for the SpaLet.
Measure the size of the toilet bowl.
Depending on the size of the toilet bowl, it may not be possible to mount this product on it. Make sure the toilet bowl's dimensions are as shown in the diagram below.

Toilet Measurement Guide for:
Advanced Clean 2.5 SpaLet Bidet Seat with Remote Control
Advanced Clean 2.0 SpaLet Bidet Seat with Remote Control Operation
Advanced Clean 1.0 SpaLet Bidet Seat with Side Panel Operation.

Toilet Measurement Guide for:
AquaWash 1.0 Manual SpaLet Bidet Seat
Aquawash 2.0 Electrical SpaLet Bidet Seat