
Afwall® Millennium® 1.1 – 1.6 gpf (4.2 – 6.0 Lpf) Back Spud Elongated Wall-Hung EverClean® Bowl

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  • Wall-hung elongated flushometer bowl, less seat
  • High Efficiency Toilet (HET) operates in the range of 1.1 gpf – 1.6 gpf (4.2 Lpf – 6.0 Lpf)
  • Maximum Performance (MaP) score of 1,000 grams at 1.1 – 1.6 gpf
Product Description

Introducing the new Afwall® Millennium™ FloWise® wall-hung toilet line from American Standard. Our reliable and dependable wall-hung toilet is now even better and more powerful with a premier flushing performance at lower flush volume, increased static weight load capacity, and streamlined design. High Efficiency, Low Consumption. Meets definition of HET (High Efficiency Toilet) when used with a high efficiency flush valve (1.1 gpf -1.6 gpf or 1.28/1.1 gpf dual flush). 10" x 12" water surface area. 100% factory flush tested System. MaP Score: - 1,000 grams of miso @ 1.1 gpf to 1.6 gpf when used with an American Standard flush valve - Maximum Performance (MaP) testing performed by IAPMO R&T Lab. MaP Report conducted by Veritec Consulting, Inc.and Koeller and Company.  Nominal Dimensions:  660 x 356 x 381 mm (26" x 14" x 15"). Recommended working pressure– between 25 psi at valve when flushing and 80 psi static. Fixture only, less seat, bolt caps, and flushometer valve. Compliance Certifications - Meets or Exceeds the Following Specifications:- ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1 for Vitreous China Fixtures. This product is not recommended for bariatric use.


Afwall® Millennium® 1.1 – 1.6 gpf (4.2 – 6.0 Lpf) Back Spud Elongated Wall-Hung EverClean® Bowl


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